Model 1400

Type: Safety Relief valves
Connections/Rating: PN-16 to PN-100
Dimensions: 15 x 25 to 400 x 500
Material: Carbon steel, Stainless steel, LCC and SuperDuplex
Applications: Steam, gases, vapour and liquids and cryogenic service

Technical data
Product information

Type: Safety Relief valves
Connections/Rating: PN-16 to PN-100
Dimensions: 15 x 25 to 400 x 500
Material: Carbon steel, Stainless steel, LCC and SuperDuplex
Applications: Steam, gases, vapour and liquids and cryogenic service

Technical information

Applications: Steam, gases, vapours and liquids
Minimum set pressure: 0,2 barg; With bellows 2 barg
Seat: Metal-metal, PTFE, Viton and Stellite
Overpressure: 10% for steam, gas and vapour; 21% fire exposure and 25% for liquids
Blowdown: Gases 10%, liquids 20%
Tolerance Set pressure: ± 3%


Calculation: EN-4126-1 /7
Design: EN-12516-1, EN-4126-1 /7
Materials: EN / ASTM
Inspection: EN-4126-1 /7, MSS-SP-55
Tolerances: EN-4126-1 and ASME UG-126

Safety relief valves TOSACA ATEX are classified as equipment of Group II, Category 2 according of Annex I of European Directive 2014/34/EU.



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