TOSACA, was founded in 1989, its main activity is based on the design, manufacture, testing and final inspection of safety valves, for fluids in general and according to R.D. 709/2015 of July 24, 2016.

To develop its activity, TOSACA has an industrial warehouse for rent. TOSACA is present throughout the Spanish geography and has begun its export to various countries around the world.

The mission of TOSACA is to achieve total customer satisfaction, both in its requirements and in the legal and regulatory, is an objective emanated from the property and shared by the entire organization and its achievement is, as Manager of the same, under my responsibility direct.

The customers of TOSACA when choosing us, can be sure of finding a reliability of response from the first contact until the final delivery of the works whose execution they have entrusted us.

Our objective of the Quality System is based on the constant improvement of the quality of our services, including the commitment to prevent damage and deterioration of health, continuous improvement of Securityhealth in the work and its performance, respecting the environmental protection, including the prevention of pollution, waste and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, according to the requirements of UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015.

The Quality Management System described in the various processes has been developed under my direction and has my full support, to be able to work with continuous improvement.

The organization with the supervision of the Management will evaluate the risks and opportunities, creating a robust company and with an attitude based on continuous improvement, based on processes and by the European Directive 2014/68/EU, in compliance with Royal Decree 709/ 2015, cat. IV, annex III module B + D.

As Manager, I control and confirm all this documentation and notify all personnel of the obligation to follow all the instructions derived from this process to reach the highest quality guarantee that we can offer.

The management gives the necessary human, technical and economic resources, with the participation and collaboration of the Quality Management.

If problems or differences of opinion arise that could not be resolved in accordance with this System, they must be submitted to me for final resolution. 

Mr. Pedro Cánovas TOSACA, S.A. May 03, 2024


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